Got a 3rd in a LHE SNG and then played a 90 KO SNG and finished 25th when my AK was no good vs QJs, AIPF. I flopped TP, but he flopped his straight, obv.
These 90 KO SNG turbos are pretty fast and loose.
EDIT: also played a $5.50 HU LHE SNG and won that.
Monday, June 30, 2008
On to Step 11
After being up, then down and now back up above $200, I am moving on to Step 11

Looking around at stars, FT and UB and I see there are :
$3.30, $5.50 and $11 MTT KOs @ Full Tilt
$3.30 and $11 90 man KO SNGs @ Full Tilt
I don't see any on Stars
$4.40, $6.60 and $11 MTT KOs # UB
I guess I will mix in a few of the $3.30 90 man KO SNGs into the mix and see how it goes.
Step 9 Summary
Current Level:
Level 9: $11 or less 9 Man SNGs
$5.50 SNG
ITM: 4/7 (3,0,1)
ITM: 0/1
$5.50 SNG (other games)
ITM: 3/9 (1,1,1)
LHE: 1
PLO: 1
$6.50 SNG (other games)
ITM: 0/2
PL08B: 2
$5.50 HU SNGs
LHE: 2
Profit/Loss: +$12.75

Looking around at stars, FT and UB and I see there are :
$3.30, $5.50 and $11 MTT KOs @ Full Tilt
$3.30 and $11 90 man KO SNGs @ Full Tilt
I don't see any on Stars
$4.40, $6.60 and $11 MTT KOs # UB
I guess I will mix in a few of the $3.30 90 man KO SNGs into the mix and see how it goes.
Step 9 Summary
Current Level:
Level 9: $11 or less 9 Man SNGs
$5.50 SNG
ITM: 4/7 (3,0,1)
ITM: 0/1
$5.50 SNG (other games)
ITM: 3/9 (1,1,1)
LHE: 1
PLO: 1
$6.50 SNG (other games)
ITM: 0/2
PL08B: 2
$5.50 HU SNGs
LHE: 2
Profit/Loss: +$12.75
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Hu RAZZ win
Only one HU tonight, but won it after 35 minutes of mind-numbing torture.
Other guy was pretty solid, but had a couple of major flaws that I was able to take advantage of EVENTUALLY.
Biggest one was that he would raise whenever he had the best card showing. That is typically a good thing in HU RAZZ, but there are exceptions like when you have a 2 up and the other player has a 3 up. You are probably better to vary your play in these spots since you will be called a lot and you will have tough decisions later in the hands if you rarely have the 3 low cards you are representing. The bigger version of this flaw, IMO, was when he had a 7 up and I had an 8 up(or 8/9, 9/T, T/J, J/Q, Q/K). He would raise in EVERY one of these spots. So any time I had two low cards underneath I likely had him beat (since he will have a pair/high card underneath many times) and have a pretty good starting hand to draw to.
So, my strategy was to wait for one of these close hands and then punish him when he continued to bet while I was drawing smoother than he was and then raise when I had drawn to a better low (ignoring that first card). At first, he was betting the first 2-3 streets and then he figured out what I was doing to some extent and slowed down if I called and caught better on 4th. He still continues the "raise every hand with a better door card" thing though.
Aggression in poker is key, but adding some common sense in the mix and not being predictable is just as important IMO (especially HU).
Profit: +$4.75
Other guy was pretty solid, but had a couple of major flaws that I was able to take advantage of EVENTUALLY.
Biggest one was that he would raise whenever he had the best card showing. That is typically a good thing in HU RAZZ, but there are exceptions like when you have a 2 up and the other player has a 3 up. You are probably better to vary your play in these spots since you will be called a lot and you will have tough decisions later in the hands if you rarely have the 3 low cards you are representing. The bigger version of this flaw, IMO, was when he had a 7 up and I had an 8 up(or 8/9, 9/T, T/J, J/Q, Q/K). He would raise in EVERY one of these spots. So any time I had two low cards underneath I likely had him beat (since he will have a pair/high card underneath many times) and have a pretty good starting hand to draw to.
So, my strategy was to wait for one of these close hands and then punish him when he continued to bet while I was drawing smoother than he was and then raise when I had drawn to a better low (ignoring that first card). At first, he was betting the first 2-3 streets and then he figured out what I was doing to some extent and slowed down if I called and caught better on 4th. He still continues the "raise every hand with a better door card" thing though.
Aggression in poker is key, but adding some common sense in the mix and not being predictable is just as important IMO (especially HU).
Profit: +$4.75
Monday, June 23, 2008
A win is a win....
Played 2 HU matches vs the same guy. I rarely accept the rematch unless there is a special case and this guy was it. LHE and he was just ..... BAD! Split the matches, first one was mostly due to the time it took to figure out what he was doing. Once I had it I could have played him all night but he declined the 2nd option for a rematch.
Also played 2 HORSE SNGs and split those as well with an 8th and a 2nd (should have been first but bricked on 7th in RAZZ again. Jhigh vs 4 to a 7 on 5th street and I can't make it. 95% of the chips were in the middle (oh, and he started with a Q up of course....).
So back to a "winning" session of..... +$.50.....yippeeee
Also played 2 HORSE SNGs and split those as well with an 8th and a 2nd (should have been first but bricked on 7th in RAZZ again. Jhigh vs 4 to a 7 on 5th street and I can't make it. 95% of the chips were in the middle (oh, and he started with a Q up of course....).
So back to a "winning" session of..... +$.50.....yippeeee
Getting back to normal?
Played 4 SNGs late last night and 2 HU matches today.
Started with more troubles going 0/3 in O8BPL, HORSE, and PLO SNGs.
O8 was kind of a sick hand. Flopped nut straight and 2nd nut low. Got in vs nut low (obv) and top set who got there.
HORSE, nothing special short stack and bubbled
PLO was average stack and got SS AI and they caught a straight. Then next hand I got it all in with AATx (double suited) and was called by high connectors that got there. Standard.
Then the last SNG I played was another HORSE one and I played very tight and got an average run of cards to build my stack gradually. Got to the final 5 with chip lead and played it out well to HU. HU started in O8B and played through RAZZ, 7 Stud and into stud H/L where I finally finished him off for a MUCH NEEDED win.
HU matches were in RAZZ and NLHE. Razz one I had the guy down and then he called with a Q up and then again when he caught a T on 4th. I had 4 to a 9 and kept betting. I bricked (KKQ) the rest of the way and he improved to a J low for the pot. Couldn't draw anything from there. NLHE was interesting match vs the master of the poorly timed bluff. Caught him 3-4 times and then doubled him up with the best hand and then finished him off with a straight vs his bottom end straight caught on the
Overall that is a small loss but turning around some: -$3.50
Started with more troubles going 0/3 in O8BPL, HORSE, and PLO SNGs.
O8 was kind of a sick hand. Flopped nut straight and 2nd nut low. Got in vs nut low (obv) and top set who got there.
HORSE, nothing special short stack and bubbled
PLO was average stack and got SS AI and they caught a straight. Then next hand I got it all in with AATx (double suited) and was called by high connectors that got there. Standard.
Then the last SNG I played was another HORSE one and I played very tight and got an average run of cards to build my stack gradually. Got to the final 5 with chip lead and played it out well to HU. HU started in O8B and played through RAZZ, 7 Stud and into stud H/L where I finally finished him off for a MUCH NEEDED win.
HU matches were in RAZZ and NLHE. Razz one I had the guy down and then he called with a Q up and then again when he caught a T on 4th. I had 4 to a 9 and kept betting. I bricked (KKQ) the rest of the way and he improved to a J low for the pot. Couldn't draw anything from there. NLHE was interesting match vs the master of the poorly timed bluff. Caught him 3-4 times and then doubled him up with the best hand and then finished him off with a straight vs his bottom end straight caught on the
Overall that is a small loss but turning around some: -$3.50
Sunday, June 22, 2008
2 more and done for tonight
$5.50 HORSE and LHE
Loss: $11
HORSE, got down to 4 and was shortstacked after a 7stud H/L hand where I had 2 pair and the other guy got open trips on 6th and I had to lay it down and save the last few bets for another hand. Got to HE level and couldn't catch anything and was in a waiting game vs other SS with a few chips more. in in the blinds with K2 and had live cards but other guy caught A and out.
LHE, was in good shape 7-8 handed and then flopped JJ6 in the BB with J8 vs a crazy player that was R/RR with nothing all the time and she limped with J6 in LP for the flopped boat. Next hand she called me all in on a KJQ board (only had 1 1/2 bets left) with J9 vs my AA and she turned the 9 for the KO.
Tough day for SNGs. Tried most of the games and nothing seems to be going my way today. Done for tonight. Try to rebuild tomorrow night.
Loss: $11
HORSE, got down to 4 and was shortstacked after a 7stud H/L hand where I had 2 pair and the other guy got open trips on 6th and I had to lay it down and save the last few bets for another hand. Got to HE level and couldn't catch anything and was in a waiting game vs other SS with a few chips more. in in the blinds with K2 and had live cards but other guy caught A and out.
LHE, was in good shape 7-8 handed and then flopped JJ6 in the BB with J8 vs a crazy player that was R/RR with nothing all the time and she limped with J6 in LP for the flopped boat. Next hand she called me all in on a KJQ board (only had 1 1/2 bets left) with J9 vs my AA and she turned the 9 for the KO.
Tough day for SNGs. Tried most of the games and nothing seems to be going my way today. Done for tonight. Try to rebuild tomorrow night.
The streak is SO over
Could not get anything to go right in the SNGs today.
played 2- $5.50 NLHE and got 6th (77 vs 56 on 533 board, turn 6, river 5) and 7th (AQ vs AJ AIPF, J flop obv).
Then changed it up with a $5.50 HORSE , $6.50 PLO8B and a $6.50 TURBO NLHE. With nothing doing in any of them.
In the PLO8B one I got it in 3 ways with 56A3 on a 556 board and the turn T sealed my fate even with the river 6 vs the TT6x that called the flop.
Total Loss: -$29.50 + $3.50 = -$26.00
EDIT: Played one more $5.50 and finished 3rd for $3.50 profit. Sick flop and river with K9 (no spades) flopping KKJ with KJ of spades on the board and got it all in vs Q9 spades. T on the river took me out after I battled back to even with the 2nd stack from short too....
played 2- $5.50 NLHE and got 6th (77 vs 56 on 533 board, turn 6, river 5) and 7th (AQ vs AJ AIPF, J flop obv).
Then changed it up with a $5.50 HORSE , $6.50 PLO8B and a $6.50 TURBO NLHE. With nothing doing in any of them.
In the PLO8B one I got it in 3 ways with 56A3 on a 556 board and the turn T sealed my fate even with the river 6 vs the TT6x that called the flop.
Total Loss: -$29.50 + $3.50 = -$26.00
EDIT: Played one more $5.50 and finished 3rd for $3.50 profit. Sick flop and river with K9 (no spades) flopping KKJ with KJ of spades on the board and got it all in vs Q9 spades. T on the river took me out after I battled back to even with the 2nd stack from short too....
Friday, June 20, 2008
One more SNG today
Played one $5.50 SNG today and even going into 6 handed as the shorty, came back to take it down for another $17 profit.
It takes a lot of concentration for me to play the way I have been playing in these so I don't think I could really do it as effectively if I played 3+ tables. I might try 2-tabling, but this seems to be working right now.
It takes a lot of concentration for me to play the way I have been playing in these so I don't think I could really do it as effectively if I played 3+ tables. I might try 2-tabling, but this seems to be working right now.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Level 9: Good Start and finish?
Just played one 9 Man while I was "watching" the updates for the WSOP and I took it down for +$17 profit. Good Start. I am over the amount for the next level. Off to fins two dice....
3-3 !!!! Rolled my doubles, but I think I will still be sticking to the 9 man SNGs for the time being. I am more comfortable there then trying $11 KOs, I think. I might try some smaller KOs mixed in, but I think playing 10-20 $5.50 SNGs and then maybe the same at $11 SNGs before moving up might be a plan. We'll see how it goes.

3-3 !!!! Rolled my doubles, but I think I will still be sticking to the 9 man SNGs for the time being. I am more comfortable there then trying $11 KOs, I think. I might try some smaller KOs mixed in, but I think playing 10-20 $5.50 SNGs and then maybe the same at $11 SNGs before moving up might be a plan. We'll see how it goes.
Level 8: Done
I played 3 6 max SNGs and a HU SNG and ran pretty well throughout.
$2.25 6 max 3/6 (-$2.25)
$5.50 6 max 2/6 (+$5.00)
$5.50 6 max 1/6 (+$14.00)
$5.50 HU SNG Win (+$4.75)
Total session profit +$21.50
Step 8 is done with room to spare and I will likely move on tho the 9 man SNGs next. I do really like the play in 6 max SNGs, but I think my nerves would do with a bit of break. The bubbles start a bit early in 6 max!
Level 8: 6 max SNGs ($6.50 and below)
Full Tilt - $2.25 6 max
ITM: 1/8
1st: 1
2nd: 0
Full Tilt - $5.50 6 max
ITM: 3/3
1st: 1
2nd: 2
UB - $5.50 6 max
ITM: 1/1
1st: 1
2nd: 0
Full Tilt - $5.25 HU SNGs
NLHE: 2/2
Profit/Loss: +$36.25
$2.25 6 max 3/6 (-$2.25)
$5.50 6 max 2/6 (+$5.00)
$5.50 6 max 1/6 (+$14.00)
$5.50 HU SNG Win (+$4.75)
Total session profit +$21.50
Step 8 is done with room to spare and I will likely move on tho the 9 man SNGs next. I do really like the play in 6 max SNGs, but I think my nerves would do with a bit of break. The bubbles start a bit early in 6 max!
Level 8: 6 max SNGs ($6.50 and below)
Full Tilt - $2.25 6 max
ITM: 1/8
1st: 1
2nd: 0
Full Tilt - $5.50 6 max
ITM: 3/3
1st: 1
2nd: 2
UB - $5.50 6 max
ITM: 1/1
1st: 1
2nd: 0
Full Tilt - $5.25 HU SNGs
NLHE: 2/2
Profit/Loss: +$36.25
WSOP Steps: Step 3 - Two tries and done
I played step three and made it to 4 handed and then pushed 9T and the BB woke up with QQ. Flopped a straight draw but did not get there.
Still got to retry the Step 3 and missed a few small PPs at a very limpy table and then got all in with NFD vs TP on the flop. Missed the draw and I am out of the steps altogether.
In general I don't think the steps are a very good way to try to win into the ONE prize package at the end of step 6, but if you can get through to step 6 you have a fair chance of getting at least some cash for one of the other payout spots for a good ROI and of course you do have a shot at the top prize.
Still got to retry the Step 3 and missed a few small PPs at a very limpy table and then got all in with NFD vs TP on the flop. Missed the draw and I am out of the steps altogether.
In general I don't think the steps are a very good way to try to win into the ONE prize package at the end of step 6, but if you can get through to step 6 you have a fair chance of getting at least some cash for one of the other payout spots for a good ROI and of course you do have a shot at the top prize.
Monday, June 16, 2008
UB 6max SNG win
Played a quick 6 max $5.50 SNG on UB and took that down for a profit of $15.50
Played pretty well with the exception of one hand where I flopped TP vs PFR and he had a slightly higher PP. Running spades to match my As fixed that though, so I had a nice stack to play with for the duration.
Not really feeling like playing more tonight.
Played pretty well with the exception of one hand where I flopped TP vs PFR and he had a slightly higher PP. Running spades to match my As fixed that though, so I had a nice stack to play with for the duration.
Not really feeling like playing more tonight.
WSOP Steps: Step 2
I just finished step two and won into step 3.
SICK running in these so far.
Was top 3 stack 6 handed, took someone out and then started picking up hands and playing stack/position and managed to have a chiplead 5-6 handed. That was the bubble so I was able to build up from there and then had the 2nd and 3rd stacks both at 2300 or so to my 9000 for the move-up bubble. Fun times.
SICK running in these so far.
Was top 3 stack 6 handed, took someone out and then started picking up hands and playing stack/position and managed to have a chiplead 5-6 handed. That was the bubble so I was able to build up from there and then had the 2nd and 3rd stacks both at 2300 or so to my 9000 for the move-up bubble. Fun times.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Won the Step 2 seat. won a race with TT early vs AK and then was chip leader or second from 6 handed on. I took out a short stack 4 handed and then pushed the big stack into the two even stacks who didn't want to get knocked out in 3rd. Ended with SB picking up KQo and pushing into my AA :-)
Now if the next 5 steps go that way I will need to arrrange a trip to Vegas. lol
Now if the next 5 steps go that way I will need to arrrange a trip to Vegas. lol
Side event:
In May I won a seat into the WSOP steps on PStars in an FPP rebuy MTT.
I was just playing because the 10FPP rebuy sounded like a good time. I have only played rebuys 2-3 times and usually rebuy 15-20 times and try to end up the hour with a big stack playing crazy poker (a la Daniel N. strategy).
So, I am going to give this a shot. Step 1 pays as follows:
1st/2nd = Step 2
3rd = retry step 1
4th $1.50
Step 1 is a TURBO SNG. Here we go.
In May I won a seat into the WSOP steps on PStars in an FPP rebuy MTT.
I was just playing because the 10FPP rebuy sounded like a good time. I have only played rebuys 2-3 times and usually rebuy 15-20 times and try to end up the hour with a big stack playing crazy poker (a la Daniel N. strategy).
So, I am going to give this a shot. Step 1 pays as follows:
1st/2nd = Step 2
3rd = retry step 1
4th $1.50
Step 1 is a TURBO SNG. Here we go.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Just played 4 more and I tried out turbos and a $5.50
finished 3rd in the first two (turbos) and then finished 2nd in the $5.50 and a regular $2.25
buyins: $12.25
won: $14.70
profit/loss: +$2.45
I am going to do some research and reading/videos on these. I know there are some situations that I am going about all wrong, but every time I do what I think is right it puts me in REALLY bad spots.
Biggest problem area is raising (even in position) when I am not the big stack. Really need to get a handle on that. I took to pushing with any hand I was going to play and that got me through since the stacks were fairly even, but I know the variance on that style of play (or using it with players who will call or don't have a clue about ICM) would be huge in the long run.
EDIT: Also just played a HU SNG for a 1 hand profit of $4.75. Flopped 2 pair vs his straight draw. All in and held up.
finished 3rd in the first two (turbos) and then finished 2nd in the $5.50 and a regular $2.25
buyins: $12.25
won: $14.70
profit/loss: +$2.45
I am going to do some research and reading/videos on these. I know there are some situations that I am going about all wrong, but every time I do what I think is right it puts me in REALLY bad spots.
Biggest problem area is raising (even in position) when I am not the big stack. Really need to get a handle on that. I took to pushing with any hand I was going to play and that got me through since the stacks were fairly even, but I know the variance on that style of play (or using it with players who will call or don't have a clue about ICM) would be huge in the long run.
EDIT: Also just played a HU SNG for a 1 hand profit of $4.75. Flopped 2 pair vs his straight draw. All in and held up.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Quick HU PLHE Win for +$4.75
...and then a LONG RAZZ win vs a very crazy (but still kind of good, I guess) player for another +$4.75
Level 6 summary:
$3.25 45 Man SNGs
(2) Out of the money
-$6.50 so far
$1.10 Turbo 45 man SNGs
1/45 (+$12.90)
5/45 (+$2.90)
(10) out of the money
+$4.80 so far
$1.25 45 man SNGs (FT)
1/45 (+$15.85)
(2) out of the money
+$13.35 so far
For Variety 2 Table SNGs
12/16 in HORSE Turbo (-$1.75)
12/18 in NLHE TURBO (-$3.40)
13/18 in NLHE TURBO (-$3.40)
10/18 in $1.20 NLHE (-$1.20)
8/18 in $1.20 NLHE (-$1.20)
12/18 in NLHE TURBO (-$3.40)
4/18 in NLHE TURBO (+$1.35) (FT)
-$13.00 so far
For Variety HU SNGs
$2.15 1/1 (+$4.75)
$5.25 11/16 (+$26.00)
+$30.75 so far
Level 6 Total: +$26.50
...and then a LONG RAZZ win vs a very crazy (but still kind of good, I guess) player for another +$4.75
Level 6 summary:
$3.25 45 Man SNGs
(2) Out of the money
-$6.50 so far
$1.10 Turbo 45 man SNGs
1/45 (+$12.90)
5/45 (+$2.90)
(10) out of the money
+$4.80 so far
$1.25 45 man SNGs (FT)
1/45 (+$15.85)
(2) out of the money
+$13.35 so far
For Variety 2 Table SNGs
12/16 in HORSE Turbo (-$1.75)
12/18 in NLHE TURBO (-$3.40)
13/18 in NLHE TURBO (-$3.40)
10/18 in $1.20 NLHE (-$1.20)
8/18 in $1.20 NLHE (-$1.20)
12/18 in NLHE TURBO (-$3.40)
4/18 in NLHE TURBO (+$1.35) (FT)
-$13.00 so far
For Variety HU SNGs
$2.15 1/1 (+$4.75)
$5.25 11/16 (+$26.00)
+$30.75 so far
Level 6 Total: +$26.50
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Played 3 45 player SNGs this afternoon.
Placed 28th, 19th and 1st for a total profit of +$13.35
I think the games on FT are much easier in addition to the games being non-turbo (even though the blinds are still faster than the non-turbos on stars). I do like the variety of games filling up on Stars, though.
Hopefully I can make it to the single table levels of this soon. I am looking forward to trying to play sets of them and track ROI. I have always played SNGs sporadically and I would like to see how I can do over a long series of them.
Placed 28th, 19th and 1st for a total profit of +$13.35
I think the games on FT are much easier in addition to the games being non-turbo (even though the blinds are still faster than the non-turbos on stars). I do like the variety of games filling up on Stars, though.
Hopefully I can make it to the single table levels of this soon. I am looking forward to trying to play sets of them and track ROI. I have always played SNGs sporadically and I would like to see how I can do over a long series of them.
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