Thursday, June 12, 2008

Quick HU PLHE Win for +$4.75

...and then a LONG RAZZ win vs a very crazy (but still kind of good, I guess) player for another +$4.75

Level 6 summary:

$3.25 45 Man SNGs
(2) Out of the money
-$6.50 so far

$1.10 Turbo 45 man SNGs
1/45 (+$12.90)
5/45 (+$2.90)
(10) out of the money
+$4.80 so far

$1.25 45 man SNGs (FT)
1/45 (+$15.85)
(2) out of the money
+$13.35 so far

For Variety 2 Table SNGs
12/16 in HORSE Turbo (-$1.75)
12/18 in NLHE TURBO (-$3.40)
13/18 in NLHE TURBO (-$3.40)
10/18 in $1.20 NLHE (-$1.20)
8/18 in $1.20 NLHE (-$1.20)
12/18 in NLHE TURBO (-$3.40)
4/18 in NLHE TURBO (+$1.35) (FT)
-$13.00 so far

For Variety HU SNGs
$2.15 1/1 (
$5.25 11/16 (+$26.00)
+$30.75 so far

Level 6 Total: +$26.50

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