Monday, June 23, 2008

A win is a win....

Played 2 HU matches vs the same guy. I rarely accept the rematch unless there is a special case and this guy was it. LHE and he was just ..... BAD! Split the matches, first one was mostly due to the time it took to figure out what he was doing. Once I had it I could have played him all night but he declined the 2nd option for a rematch.

Also played 2 HORSE SNGs and split those as well with an 8th and a 2nd (should have been first but bricked on 7th in RAZZ again. Jhigh vs 4 to a 7 on 5th street and I can't make it. 95% of the chips were in the middle (oh, and he started with a Q up of course....).

So back to a "winning" session of..... +$.50.....yippeeee

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